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Home » Sara Roosevelt Park to Get Make-over **POSTPONED**

Sara Roosevelt Park to Get Make-over **POSTPONED**

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Conceptual design of Sara Roosevelt Park from grand St to Delancey St

The New City Parks dept will return to CB3s (community board 3) Park’s committee with an updated conceptual design on redesign of Sara Roosevelt Park. The $36 million dollar project is a once in a generation upgrade and all are encouraged to attend and give input. The project will make upgrades to the section of Sara Roosevelt between Grand and Delancey Streets.

Thursday May 16, 6:30pm BRC Senior Center 30 Delancey St (north side Delancey inside the park)

Soccer field Grand Street entrance

Repairs to the soccer field will include new lighting and resurfacing to level the field of sinkholes.

gates along soccer field and “the pit”

Proposed seating and lighting options

Proposed energy saving high intensity lighting will be used for the soccer field and “The Pit” to accommodate nighttime events.

Proposed seating area of Broome Street Plaza

Broome Street will get a plaza with seating areas and trees and be completely repaved with paving stones.

Conceptual rendering of “the pit”

The “Pit” where many groups practice Tai-Chi or exercise in the morning will see improvements including new access ramps and seating area above, the nearby restrooms will be refurbished.

pedestrian and bike path along Chrystie Street

The proposal will widen the pedestrian walkway along the bike path. It will also provide a protected bike path.

Sectional rendering of “The Pit”

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