Congestion Toll Cameras on 60th St
The Congestion pricing debate goes on. A week ago, Gov Kathy Hochul announced an indefinite suspension of the start of tolling for vehicles entering the Congestion pricing zone in Manhattan below 60th Street. Since then, there have been rallies to support the plan calling on Hochul to reverse her decision.
Community Boards 1 -6 have penned a resolution calling on Gov Hochul to implement the plan and CB3 has added it to the June Full Board meeting. (open to the public for comment)
There are 2 chances for the public to attend and speak up on the issue.
Transportation, Public Safety, Sanitation & Environment Committee
Tuesday, June 11 at 6:30pm — Community Board 3 Office – 59 East 4th Street (btwn 2nd Ave and Bowery)
Limited seating available to first 15. This is a Hybrid Meeting. Members of the public can also attend by Zoom.
Online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86531584624
By Phone: +1 646 518 9805, +1 929 205 6099 – Webinar ID: 865 3158 4624
8. Support for Community Boards 1-6 letter, asking the Governor to reverse course on the delay for the Congestion Pricing Plan. The committee will review and vote on the letter, before the June 25th special meeting, after public session of its June Full Board meeting, to discuss and vote on the contents of the letter which would ask the Governor to proceed with congestion pricing.
Vote to Support CB 1-6 Coalition Support to Reverse Congestion Pricing Decision
Special meeting at June 25th Full Board meeting, after public session and preceding full board meeting
Community Boards 1-6 have discussed signing on to a letter to all parties involved with the MTA’s Congestion Pricing Plan, asking to reverse course on the Governor’s decision. Given the unprecedented nature of the abrupt policy shift, its potential cost to the MTA, and public trust in government, Community Board 3 will convene this special meeting after public session of its June Full Board meeting to discuss and vote on the contents of the letter which would ask the Governor to proceed with congestion pricing.
We encourage members of the public to attend the meeting and sign up to give public comment, and we ask for your support in reaching out to our communities to inform them of opportunity to comment on this important decision.
Please also note the Transportation, Public Safety, Sanitation, and Environment Committee will see this item at their meeting tomorrow. This decision to add this to the agenda after the agenda was posted, while also unprecedented, was made in order to ensure the broadest base of public comment, and exceptions like this are not to be granted again in the future.
All those wishing to attend, and comment must attend in person
Community Board 3, Full Board Meeting
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – 6:30pm
PS 20 – 166 Essex Street (E Houston & Stanton Sts)