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Who Stole My Cherry Tree

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Workers planting cherry tree recently Residents of Confucious Plaza woke up Wed April 24 to a hole in the ground where a recently planted cherry tree was stolen during the night. Confucious Plaza is surrounded on the Bowery and Division… Read More »Who Stole My Cherry Tree


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Banner on balcony of Lin Sing Association Almost a year after a fire at 48 Mott Street tenants are no closer to moving back. The fire on March 24,2023 which started in the back pf a ground level gift shop… Read More »Displaced?

Murder in The Park

NYPD squad car keeping tabs on park. Calm returned to Columbus Park Monday after a grisly murder late Saturday night. Around 3-3:30am Sunday morning 2 Chinese men apparently got into an argument or altercation which escalated to murder when 49yr… Read More »Murder in The Park

PBA Marte mobile

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The PBA (police benevolent association) which represents 1000’s of uniformed officers kicked off this year’s election cycle with a mobile billboard truck. The Billboard’s first stop was Chinatown and lower Manhattan represented by CM Christopher Marte. The truck’s scrolling messages… Read More »PBA Marte mobile