An exhibit highlighting the history and contributions of Toisanese in America is opening at the A & C Cultural Center located at 76 Mott Street. The exhibit is curated by Kim Mui who also teaches conversational Cantonese & Toisanese in online ZOOM classes. The exhibit begins July 15 and runs through September 2. Saturdays only.

Chinese immigration to America began in the mid-1800s. Most of the immigrants were men from a poor region known as Toisan or Hoisan in Kwangtung province. The dominant dialect spoken in Chinatowns across the country was Toisanese or Hoisan-wa until the late 1960s when an influx of Cantonese speaking Chinese immigrated from Hong Kong.

This is a good opportunity for young and old to learn about the Chinese Railroad workers, the Chinese Exclusion Act and everyday life of early Chinese settlers and their contributions…