Protestors sitting on Park Row
Hundreds of protestors converged on Park Row to await release of those arrested. The NYPD moved in on protestors occupying Columbia and CUNY universities and effected arrest of up to 300 protestors. Naturally the NYPD turned police headquarters at 1 Police Plaza into a mass booking center to process the detainees.

Hundreds await release of fellow students
Fellow protestors started gathering at the intersection of Worth Street and Park Row about 2am to await release of their colleagues after processing.

Food table
Anticipating an extended wait food was catered in for the crowd.

Patiently waiting for fellow protestors release.
The crowd had remained peaceful throughout the night with the occasional cheer each time a detainee was released from police custody. Those arrested faced charges of Disturbing the peace, criminal mischief, disorderly conduct, trespassing and even burglary.