Proposed location of Just Buds at 10-14 Doyers Street
Just Buds gets nod from CB3s Cannabis task Force. Applicant Randy Chang’s application for a legal marijuana license was heard at CB3s district office January 8. The applicant states on a returned questionnaire Just Buds will educate consumer on the benefits of marijuana usage. Furthermore, the applicant claims close ties to the Chinatown community having grown up living at Confucius Plaza and graduating PS124 nearby.
Although there are concerns from Chinatown residents the applicant stated he will address concerns and work with community leaders and organizations. Just Buds will employ “justice involved” individuals who have been convicted of “low level” drug offenses. Initially NYS marijuana licenses gave preference to justice involved individuals like Cos Marte (CCM Christopher Marte’s brother) who was convicted of operating a multi-million-dollar drug empire on the Lower East side and spent years in Rikers Island. Licenses are currently open to all to apply.
10-14 Doyers Street was formerly a unisex hair salon favored by middle aged men and women before the building was sold several years ago to the current owners. The applicant is hoping to cash in on the bustling nightlife centered around Doyers Street.
CB3’s position is solely advisory much like the process for liquor license applications and the NYS Cannabis Control Board has final say.
The application goes in front of CB3s full board for approval on Tuesday January 23 6:30pm PS20 166 Essex Street