The DDC ( Department of Design & Construction) hosted a community stakeholders meeting Tuesday May 16 to update the community on progress of the ongoing demolition of 125 White street. The current Manhattan Detention Center was slated to be demolished and replaced with a 300ft modern jail as part of the borough-based prison plan pushed by then mayor Bill DeBlasio.

To date the pedestrian bridge connecting the north tower of 100 Centre street to the 125 white street tower has been removed and demolition of the gymnasium behind what were the restaurants and shops along Baxter Street started in April to prepare for what will be a staging area for dumpsters.
A Representative of NUBC ( neighbors united below Canal st) asked the mayor’s office representative repeatedly “why a full demolition if the mayor is considering an “adaptive re-use” plan touted by NUBC Cofounder CM Christopher Marte who announced in March of a resolution he introduced to which the mayor’s office replied flatly “we have since Mayor Adams took office gone with full demolition. Marte’s resolution failed to gain support of his colleagues and never made it out of committee.
The mayor’s office also announced demolition permits have been issued for the north tower of 100 Centre street (The Tombs)