Early Tuesday morning May 2 the sound of gunfire startled nearby passersby and business owners in the vicinity of Henry and Market streets. According to sources the gunplay was a result of an argument between 2 groups of people not of the neighborhood. It seems a man and his female companion got into a verbal dispute with 2 other males which turned physical when one of the pair of males struck the woman. The woman’s companion went to defend her when one of the males drew a firearm and starting shooting near a small playground usually occupied by seniors with their grandchildren The male victim was struck in the chest with a non-life threatening Injury. A Hispanic male was arrested and a 9mm handgun was recovered by officers of the NYPD 5th Pct who were nearby.
The incident occurred in close proximity to CM Marte’s Chinatown office and rattled the usually silent on crime councilmember to tweet his staff was safe.