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Hunger Strike Over

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Home Health attendants on hunger strike in front of city hall Monday March 25 saw an end to a 5-day hunger strike by home health care attendants which began on March 21. Roughly 20 home attendants participated in the strike… Read More »Hunger Strike Over

Hunger Strike

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CCM Cristopher Marte with home attendants in front of his office Home health attendants held a rally and announced a hunger strike to begin March 20. The attendants have held several rallies in the past with little success. Several members… Read More »Hunger Strike


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Banner on balcony of Lin Sing Association Almost a year after a fire at 48 Mott Street tenants are no closer to moving back. The fire on March 24,2023 which started in the back pf a ground level gift shop… Read More »Displaced?

Chinatown Connections

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Kimlau Square The NYC DOT will give a presentation to CB3s joint Transportation/Parks committee Tuesday March 12. The presentation will cover early plans for the Park Row/ Chatham Square makeover. The DOT had previously held public engagement tabling sessions in… Read More »Chinatown Connections

On Pause

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The CCBA Chinese Consolidated Benevolent association 62 Mott Street March 1 was supposed to be the changing of the guard at the CCBA (Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association) but this year the ceremony been put on indefinite hold. The CCBA presidency… Read More »On Pause